Saturday, June 13, 2015

Dream Big

Water Taxi

One of the best deals in Ft. Lauderdale is the water taxi. The fare is $26 per person for an all day ticket. For us, this was less than renting a car, no worries about parking, no worries about traffic and okay to have a couple of glasses of wine with the evening meal. In fact, they somewhat encourage drinking on the water taxi. They will even stop at the fuel dock long enough for riders to run in and buy a six-pack.

Gas Station

The fuel dock

The water taxi runs to the major areas of shopping, restaurants, marinas, hotels and beaches. But, perhaps the fun part of the taxi is looking at the homes and mega yachts lining the ICW (Inter-Coastal Waterway) that runs through Ft. Lauderdale.

When riding in the evening hours we notice that most had very few lights on. It dawned on us these homes are second or third homes for the owners. It made us wonder what their full time home looks like. The larger homes pictured here are so expensive they are out of the price range of even the largest lottery jackpot winners. They are owned by business tycoons and company founders who have amassed a fortune. The homes probably complement a collection of properties.

There is a small part of me shaking my head at the gap between the haves and have nots. This is wealth beyond most people’s imagination. But, I figure it’s their money, they can do whatever they please with it. I like to think most people in this caliber of wealth are charitable and give back to a society that has rewarded them for their risks and business ventures. And besides, it makes for a fun ride on the water taxi looking at the mansions. I mean, who wants to take a boat ride through the ghetto, right?

One truth to Ft. Lauderdale; no matter how big your house or boat is, someone else’s is bigger (or soon will be). Enjoy pictures of our ride on the water taxi. Keep in mind these are all single family homes (not condos or hotels) and private yachts.

(click any picture to start a slide show).

House 1

House 2

House 3

House 4

House 5

House 6

House 7

House 8

House 9

House 10

House 11

House 12

House 13

House 14

House 15

House 16

House 17

House 18

House 19

House 20

House 21

House 22

House 23

house 24

House 25

House 26

The Jungle Queen tour is so hokey it’s fun.

Jungle Queen

A party on the sand bar.

Party on the sand bar

If you thought the houses were big, here are the boats…

Yachts 1

yachts 2

yachts 3

yachts 4

yachts 5

The Chart House Restaurant

The Chart House Restaurant

Cindy and I traveled often to Ft. Lauderdale and the Chart House was one of our favorite restaurants. We sat many times on the outside dock enjoying fabulous food watching the yachts pass on the ICW. As we watched the boats, we would say, “We sure wish we could afford a boat”. Now, we pass by the Chart House on a boat and say, “We sure wish we could afford to eat there”.


Dream Big